Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bob Johnson....... A True Friend of Liberia.....

There is a saying “The friend who can be silent with you in your moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with you in your hour of grief and bereavement, who can fight for you, when you can no longer fight, that is a friend who cares, that is a true friend.

That is exactly what Robert Johnson have been to Liberia...... A true Friend.
Mr Johnson has worked tirelessly for the people of Liberia, investing and encouraging companies, and major corporations from around the world to invest in Liberia. Mr Johnson once said black Americans need to have the same commitment to Liberia that many American Jews have to Israel. "I believe passionately that African Americans have a responsibility to support Liberia, much like Jewish Americans support Israel. Given the long historical relationship between our two countries, we have a special responsibility to do whatever we can to ensure that President Sirleaf succeeds in her effort to rebuild the country.

Mr Johnson was in Liberia for Delta's first direct flight to Monrovia.

As a Liberian, I truly admire and applaud the efforts of Mr. Johnson to bridge that gap between Africans and African-Americans.

Johnson, the founder and chairman of The RLJ Companies (RLJ),has significant business and development projects in Liberia including the nation’s first four-star oceanfront hotel.

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